Tuesday, October 30, 2012

How I Met My Other Half (IV): Bali Safari Park and 'Long December'

So, how did I finally fallen into my spouse's charm? It all began at Bali, when I was signed to do a report on Canon's latest releases.

Canon benar-benar nomor satu dalam menservis para jurnalis. Tau di mana mereka menempatkan kami? Bali Safari dan Marine Park, yang gw yakin banget rate kamarnya bakal bikin mata melongo. Berhubung hanya ada dua reporter perempuan, kami menikmati satu kamar kabin yang cukup lega dan mewah.

To make long story short, my significant other constantly texting me during the three-day trip, and I really enjoyed his affection. Di malam pertama (bukan malam pertama yang itu) gw terjaga sampai larut malam untuk mengirim berita. Ditemani rintik hujan (ini bukan sok dramatis) di luar, dan lantunan cover 'A Long December' dari John Craigie.

Dan itu semua terjadi di dalam kamar yang super romantis ini

I guess I got carried away and started thinking about him.

Bukan hanya itu. I have to say, one of his texts is actually making me fell into him. Itu ketika gw dan reporter lainnya diajak ke Legian untuk, hm, party all night long :p He kept texting me and asked me how I was doing. And, in one of this texts, he wrote this: "Enjoy your night, dear..."

I don't know why, but that text kinda got to me. I fell for his tender affection. I remembered thinking: "If this what a relationship is, I want some of it."

jealous? moi?

I never thought myself as a jealous person. I never got jealous when I was with my ex. Mind you, ini mantan yang gw 'kejar' selama enam bulan sebelum akhirnya dia membalas perasaan gw. Ini mantan yang jadi my first everything. Ini mantan yang membuat gw menghabiskan delapan tahun menjomblo.

Tapi, sekarang? I'm the jealous one in my relationship. Never mind that he was the one chasing me for almost a year. Never mind that I rejected him once. I get jealous (though rarely expressed it) easily. I get jealous of his best girl friend, whom actually also my close friend. Nuts!

Oh well, I guess I finally found someone who's worth getting jealous for. Lebih tepatnya, someone I actually afraid of losing.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Good times, good friends, good food.....

Inilah hasil jalan-jalan seharian dengan teman-teman terdekat saat long weekend kemaren.

'Boarding' dari Jakarta jam setengah 6 pagi, tiba di Bandung jam 8 lewat dan sarapan unyu di resto cantik di deretan Jl. Progo (dekat Jonas Photo, in case anybody know). A little place called 'Tokyo Connection'. Agak menipu sebenarnya, karena meskipun dari luar terlihat kecil, ternyata dalemnya gede juga. Dari sisi tempat, ini restoran yang oke, tapi menunya terbatas, karena yah, Japanese food tidak bisa dinikmati setiap saat toh?

Beranjak ke Dago untuk cuci mata and did a little shopping (kecuali gw, yang hanya kepincut dengan jaket kulit seharga Rp469 ribu....dang!). Sambil menunggu perut kembali lapar supaya bisa lanjut ke lokasi kuliner berikutnya, Dago Pakar.

Setelah menimbang-nimbang, memilih, melihat-lihat, akhirnya pilihan makan siang cantik jatuh ke resto Congo yang bangunannya segede-gede alaihim. But, I guess it's the right choice, karena makanannya enaakkk dengan harga yang sangat standar untuk kualitas seperti itu (di Jakarta mungkin bisa 2x lipat).

Can't wait for the next trip girls :)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Love is A Playlist

Simply my declaration of love for you, dearest :*

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How I Met My Other Half (III): A Song A Day....

You know what my other half did months after I said no to him? He'd send me one YouTube link a day to my Facebook....containing these songs.

I thought it was a really romantic and sweet gesture, but of course I didn't want to admit it. Besides, I didn't want to get his hopes up.

Fortunately for me, he never gave me up even though I barely reacted to his sweet gesture :)

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How I Met My Other Half (II): "To Me You Are Perfect"

I once wrote in my other blog how I found the above scene from 'Love Actually' to be most romantic scene ever. So, my significant other decided to re-enact the scene when he was declaring his love to me. Well...not exactly like that, actually.

Jadi, setelah beberapa bulan berteman, tukar koleksi musik dan sama-sama menggilai film indie, tiba-tiba suatu malam si abang kucluk-kucluk mendatangi meja saya dan ngasi selembar kertas hasil print. Isinya? Semua kata-kata Mark di adegan Love Actually, compiled in one single paper, printed in black and white. Antara romantis dan maksa :p

Saat itu gw cuma bengong. Bukan karena gw ga menyangka perasaan dia (oh I've known from quite some time). Tapi gw ga menyangka dia akan memilih waktu yang sama sekali tidak romantis....beberapa saat sebelum gw harus piket malam sebagai punggawa kanal berita -____-

Not that I wanted romantic scenes.  Jujur, I loved hanging out with him. But as far as chemistry, I didn't feel it (yet).

Jadi, dua minggu kemudian (kurang lebih), di tempat makan nasi goreng di seberang gedung kantor, I said no to his offer.

Him: "Masih ada kemungkinan berubah gak jawabannya?"
Me: "Gw gak bisa bilang. Mungkin aja suatu saat berubah, tapi untuk saat ini, gw belum bisa"

Him: "Gw boleh tetap deketin lo?"
Me: "Ya itu hak lo, gw ga bisa ngelarang"
Him: "...."
Me: "Tapi gw minta waktu beberapa hari supaya jangan deketin gw dulu"

Dear Lord, I sounded like a bitch :p

Oh well, I had my karma all right. Now, it is me that can't be away from him for too long

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

How I Met My Other Half (I): We'll Always Have Joy Division

You know those romantic novels or movies when the main characters meet in the most unique and romantic ways? If I have to brag, I can say that my spouse and I had one of the most interesting 'meet-up' story.

Of all the men I've ever been with (that's 5, in case you ask), this is possibly the best meet up story I have. Who would've thought a Joy Division shirt could brought us together?

Jadi cerita bermula saat outing kantor lama tahun 2010 lalu. I didn't know him back then, karena dia anak baru dan saya manusia kuper. Tapi suatu malam gw pake lah tu kaos Joy Division (pinjeman juga dari adek, so I owe you one sista!). Little did that I knew, ternyata ada juga yang merhatiin kaos itu selain temen baik gw.

Gak terlalu inget, tapi keesokan harinya samar-samar inget ada yang nanya, "Kaosnya bagus deh, beli dimana sih?". Sampe sekarang masih bertanya-tanya apa itu dia ya? :p

Singkat cerita, ternyata dari situlah saya mulai diperhatikan dan dia mulai pendekatan. Karena emang banyak kesamaan, jadi lumayan deket, and the rest is, as they say, history. Except when I rejected him after four or five months approach....but that's another story :)

me myself and i

Sepertinya Twitter sudah tidak bisa lagi memenuhi kebutuhan saya untuk bernarsis ria dan menumpahkan segala perasaan dan pemikiran tanpa harus khawatir dengan pendapat orang. Mind you, this is the place where I get to be sappy and mellow and bragging about my life at the same time. So, enter at your own risk, it's all about me, me, ME!