Friday, November 16, 2012

That Thing You Do (For Me)

Of all the sweetest moments and things I love about my other half, these are my favorites :)

1. Not long after we're officially dating, he and I were (uhm) making out on my couch. As he was kissing me, he suddenly whispered, "I love you". He never said those three words out loud ever since (only in texts, like me :p)

2. He always stand at the outer side every time we're crossing the roads

3. Sometimes he surprises me with little kisses on my shoulder, my head, or (just last week) my thigh

4. When I said I wanted to buy a laptop, he arranged it all for me so when we went to the store, all I had to do was make sure it was the right color and paid for it. Never felt so taken care of before....

5. When I need an internet token for work in the middle of the night, he got out of bed and bought it for me

6. Sometimes he surprises me by buying Ben and Jerry's or Hagen Daazs ice cream ^^

7. He likes to kiss my eyelids after he kisses me

8. When we were at his house and there were no food in sight, he cooked me a home made spaghetti bolognese (since then, pasta is sort of becoming our signature comfort food)

9. He didn't make a romantic proposal to me, instead he'd just blurted it out during our conversation. No roses, no romantic music, no "Will you marry me?", just a plain "Let's get married". Oh I love how 'hipster' we are :))

Thursday, November 15, 2012

How I Met My Other Half (V): Let Me Kiss You

So how did we transformed our relationship from friends to lovers?

It all happened on Java Jazz Festival weekend in 2011. Jadi, karena kantor lama adalah media, gw dapet tiket gratis dan ID untuk liputan. Jumat datang kesana bareng teman, sampe jam 12 dijemput sama si abang yang bela-belain di kantor sampe malem :)

Tapi puncaknya (macam mudik) adalah di hari Sabtu. Berangkat sore-sore demi ngejar show nya Gugun Blues Shelter. Saat itu gw masih menimbang-nimbang to start a relationship with him. Tapi waktu nonton Gugun, he put his arms around me, and I let him. I dunno, it feels right. And we held hands everywhere. Intinya, we behaved like a couple that night.

Pulang dari Kemayoran jam 2 pagi (woo-hoo!), mata udah berat karena pagi-pagi juga udah ke kantor. Dia nyuruh gw tidur sambil peluk pinggang dia biar ga jatoh. Sebelum itu gw emang ga pernah dibonceng sambil peluk pinggang, pasti pegangan belakang motor. Tapi, karena gak tahan ngantuk, ya terpaksa lah peluk pinggang (halah!).

Sampe rumah gw kita ngobrol-ngobrol sebentar, dan akhirnya mengarah ke....our first kiss. Yep. Hilang lah semua keraguan gw, saat dia minta ijin mau nyium gw, gw langsung iyain. First kiss, then first frenching :p Dia ngakunya sih belom pernah nyium cewek, jadi sok minta gw ajarin (ehm, ya gini-gini udah pengalaman juga, walaupun 8 taun menjomblo). But the joke was on me, cause he was GOOD. Yep, so good I had a suspicion he'd done this a lot of times with a lot of women :p

Tapi kepastian we became a couple itu baru kira-kira dua minggu kemudian, saat outing kantor ke Tanjung Lesung. Di sana banyak yang mulai curiga sama hubungan kita dan terus nanya apa kita berdua pacaran. Tentunya, seperti selebriti Hollywood, kita cuma ketawa dan keep silent.

Ternyata, bukan hanya teman-teman kantor yang penasaran. Si abang pun nanya lagi saat anter gw ke rumah, karena rupanya gw belum kasi pernyataan resmi. Padahal gw sengaja biar ga macam abege :p Jadilah, waktu dia nanya, "So, you're my girl, right?" (those were the exact words, I'm telling you), gw pun mengangguk.